Occupational Wellbeing

Research Shows Resilient Mental Health Post-Pandemic

March 28, 2023
Disha Shah
Research Shows Resilient Mental Health Post-Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives and disrupted the normal rhythm of society. It's no surprise that many people have been struggling with their mental health during these trying times. 

However, a recent study published in the peer-reviewed medical journal BMJ is shedding light on a surprising finding: in general, people's mental health has remained remarkably resilient despite the pandemic. 

In this article, we will take a deep dive into the findings of the study and explore what they mean for mental health surveillance and policy. 

So, buckle up and get ready to learn about the power of the human spirit and the resilience of our mental health during challenging times.

The Study

In the study published in BMJ, researchers assessed the impact of the pandemic on mental health by analyzing 137 studies from around the world. The findings challenge some of the commonly held assumptions about the pandemic's effects on well-being.

Breaking Down the Data

The study analyzed various mental health indicators, including general mental health, anxiety, and depression symptoms. The researchers compared outcomes assessed from January 2018 to December 2019 with those assessed from January 2020 and beyond, with a focus on any changes that may have occurred.

Contrary to Popular Belief

Contrary to what many people might believe, the report suggests that the pandemic's overall impact on mental health has been relatively minor. In fact, the vast majority of analyses showed no significant changes in general mental health, anxiety, or depression symptoms.

The Nuances of Mental Health

While there were some small negative changes in mental health among certain subgroups, such as women and parents, the overall picture painted by the data is one of resilience rather than crisis.

The Importance of Continued Monitoring

While the report's findings are encouraging, they are by no means a reason to become complacent. The pandemic's impact on mental health is a complex and evolving issue, and continued monitoring and support will be essential in the months and years to come.

A New Perspective

As a whole, this report challenges our assumptions about the pandemic's impact on mental health. It highlights the need not to underestimate the capacity of people to recover after a crisis. As HR professionals continue to navigate these unprecedented times, it is important to keep this new perspective in mind and to continue providing the support that employees need to thrive.

Implications for HRs

Research Shows Resilient Mental Health Post-Pandemic
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, HR professionals have faced unprecedented challenges in maintaining the well-being of their workforce. 

The BMJ study's findings offer valuable insights for HRs looking to create a supportive and resilient workplace culture. Here are some key implications of the study that HRs should keep in mind to support the mental health of their workforce.

Prioritize Mental Health Support

While the study shows that most people have been resilient in terms of mental health during the pandemic, it's important to remember that certain groups, such as women, parents, and those in the LGBTQ+ community, experienced small to medium negative changes. 

HRs should prioritize providing mental health support to employees, especially those in vulnerable groups.

Foster a Resilient Workplace Culture

The study's findings also suggest that people are generally resilient in the face of adversity. HRs can foster a resilient workplace culture by providing resources and support for employees to cope with stress and challenges. 

Access to counseling services, mental health days, and flexible work arrangements are all examples of how this can be done.

Continue Mental Health Surveillance

The study highlights the need for continued mental health surveillance, especially during times of crisis. HRs should work with management and employees to monitor the mental health of the workforce and address any concerns in a timely manner. 

Employee check-ins, anonymous feedback mechanisms, and mental health training for managers can all contribute to this.

Closing Thoughts

The BMJ study provides a nuanced understanding of the impact of the pandemic on people's mental health. HR professionals can use this information to support their employees better and create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture.

At The Wellness Tribe, we understand the importance of creating a holistic approach to employee wellness, including mental health. Our corporate wellness solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization and can help you promote a healthy and supportive work environment. 

If you need any assistance in implementing employee wellness programs or resources, don't hesitate to reach out to us today. Together, we can prioritize the mental health and well-being of your workforce.

Corporate Kitchen Makeover

A Fresh Start: Reimagining Corporate Kitchens with Power8

July 2, 2023
Mohit Sahni
A Fresh Start: Reimagining Corporate Kitchens with Power8

As a co-founder of Power8, I've observed a significant, yet often overlooked, area that affects the health and wellness of employees: the corporate canteen. It's a truth universally acknowledged that good nutrition is a cornerstone of good health. 

Still, what happens when your work, an environment where many of us spend the majority of our time, doesn't support this critical aspect of wellness? That's where Power8’s Corporate Kitchen Makeover comes into play.

Ensuring a Healthy Foundation

Embarking on the journey of creating a healthier corporate kitchen, we commence with an in-depth, meticulous audit. This process isn't just a cursory glance over the pantry or a review of the vending machines. It's an extensive inspection that aligns with Schedule 4 of the FSSA, 2006, aiming to certify that the food served to your diligent employees is wholesome, safely prepared, and hygienically stored.

We do not take this responsibility lightly; we're fully aware of the trust you put in us. This process ensures we are meeting the required health and safety regulations, but more importantly, it is about acknowledging and addressing the crucial role nutrition plays in overall wellness, productivity, and mental agility in the workplace.

"Creating a productive and healthy workforce demands a systemic and sustained approach. It starts in the kitchen."

Setting the Path

Having established a solid foundation through the audit, the next stage in the Kitchen Makeover involves a two-day on-site visit by our dedicated team of experts. These specialists bring a wealth of experience in assessing kitchen layouts, raw material storage areas, food handling and preparation techniques, hygiene, and sanitation practices, and food transportation. Their knowledge and expertise in food safety standards and protocols are pivotal in this phase of the makeover.

Their role isn't limited to merely identifying areas of concern but extends to providing immediate actionable solutions to improve these aspects. By the end of this phase, we ensure the canteen, a vital place in the company, is a hub for wellness and positivity, while still complying with FSSAI guidelines and SOPs.

Investing in Skills

To sustain the changes implemented, we organize a two-day training workshop for food handlers and kitchen staff. We focus on imparting knowledge about the best hygiene and sanitation practices, assessing the quality of raw materials, and preventing food spoilage. Training also involves teaching ways to avoid cross-contamination - a major issue in large kitchens - and how to follow FSSAI guidelines and SOPs.

This training isn't a mere seminar or lecture but a hands-on, practical session. We believe that true learning comes from doing, and so, our training workshops are interactive and engaging, designed to instill best practices and provide a deeper understanding of why they are necessary.

Healthy Menu Planning

With hygiene and safety standards well implemented, the next phase involves the actual food being served - we start the process of healthy menu planning. We collaborate with your chefs, taking into consideration the current menu, the preferences of the employees, and the kitchen capabilities. Our aim is to subtly reduce daily calorie intake, without compromising on the taste or satisfaction of the meals.

We've learned that the secret to a successful health-focused menu is in striking a balance. It’s not about eliminating favorite foods or making drastic changes; it’s about small, sustainable shifts toward healthier choices. For instance, introducing whole grains in place of refined ones, increasing the portion of fresh fruits and vegetables, or using healthier cooking methods.

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." - Ann Wigmore

Weight Loss Challenge

To motivate employees to embrace these healthier food options, we facilitate a 5-week weight loss challenge, tracked through our app - PlanMyFood. This isn't just a competition to lose weight, but a holistic challenge that encourages employees to make smarter, healthier food choices, despite the busyness of their work schedules. This interactive challenge also brings an element of fun and engagement to the workplace, fostering a sense of community and shared goals.

Encouragement and motivation are critical when making lifestyle changes, and our weight loss challenge provides this in spades. Weekly check-ins, healthy recipes, progress tracking, and support from fellow participants make this a positive and motivating experience. The aim is to inspire long-term changes, transforming not just the corporate kitchen but the health and wellness attitudes of the employees.

Re-adjusting Daily Calorie Intake

Adjusting the daily calorie intake in the kitchen menu is the final touch in our Corporate Kitchen Makeover. The objective here is not just weight loss, but optimal health and vitality. By taking into account factors such as portion sizes, food groups, and timing of meals, we strategically redesign the menu to ensure that it's well-rounded and balanced.

This is where our expertise truly shines. Our knowledge of nutritional science allows us to develop menus that cater to diverse dietary needs and preferences. For instance, if your team contains a mix of vegetarians, vegans, and meat-eaters, we can design a menu that everyone will enjoy. In this phase, we also consider factors like dietary restrictions, food allergies, and specific nutritional requirements of your workforce.

Closing Thoughts

The Power8 Corporate Kitchen Makeover is more than a revamp of your canteen; it's an investment in the health, productivity, and well-being of your employees. By optimizing the heart of your workplace – the kitchen – we create an environment that not only feeds the stomachs but also nourishes the health and well-being of your workforce. 

With improved diet and nutrition, you'll notice a boost in morale, productivity, and overall workplace satisfaction, proving that when you invest in your employees' health, the returns are manifold. Remember, a healthier workplace is a happier workplace!


What Your Brain Says About Virtual Meetings and Why You Need Breaks

August 1, 2023
Mohit Sahni
What Your Brain Says About Virtual Meetings and Why You Need Breaks

Ever felt like your brain was stuck in a never-ending loop of video meetings, a mind-numbing carousel of screens and voices? You’re not alone. Millions around the world have been in that same sinking boat, trapped in back-to-back video conferences that drain the life out of the workday.

But what if there was science behind this feeling? What if it wasn't just a gut reaction but a measurable response happening inside your brain? 

Microsoft decided to dive into this very question, peeling back the layers of our Zoom-fatigued minds.

With electroencephalogram (EEG) caps and a well-thought-out experimental design, they set out to dissect this modern-day conundrum. And what they found was not just fascinating; it was enlightening.

Welcome to the deep dive into the scientific underbelly of meeting fatigue. 

The Back-to-Back Meeting Phenomenon

What Your Brain Says About Virtual Meetings and Why You Need Breaks
Source: Microsoft’s Human Factors Lab

We all felt it: the accumulating stress from one meeting to the next. Microsoft's study, conducted among people participating in video meetings and monitored by electroencephalogram (EEG) equipment, put data into our feelings. As consecutive video meetings increased, so did stress.

“Our research shows breaks are important, not just to make us less exhausted by the end of the day, but to actually improve our ability to focus and engage while in those meetings,” says Michael Bohan, senior director of Microsoft’s Human Factors Engineering group, who oversaw the project.

Microsoft isn't just identifying the problem; they're pointing to an easy remedy: taking a break in between meetings. 

The Science Behind the Break

Work used to be different. A 9-to-5 job, a desk, a chair, and maybe a few office plants. But with the rise of remote work and back-to-back video meetings, the workplace has become a battlefield of cognitive overload and stress. 

Thankfully, science is here to help us understand why a break isn't just nice – it's necessary.

1. Breaks Reset the Brain

Beta waves – those little electrical signals our brains send out – they spike with stress. But when you take a break and perhaps indulge in a bit of meditation, those beta waves calm down.

Imagine your brain as a bustling city. The traffic of thoughts and tasks builds up during meetings. Breaks are like traffic lights, allowing the mind to slow down and the traffic to clear.

2. Meditation Isn’t Just for Monks

Meditation isn't about achieving nirvana; it's about giving your brain a moment to breathe. The Microsoft study showed that when participants meditated during breaks, they could enter the next meeting with a more focused and relaxed mindset.

It's like hitting the refresh button on your brain's browser. Everything loads faster and works better.

3. The Tricky Transition Between Meetings

Switching from one meeting to the next without a break is like trying to change lanes in a speeding car. Stress levels spike, and focus plummets.

The science? Beta wave activity. It jumps when you move between meetings without a break. Add in some meditation, and that spike levels out.

In other words, slow down before you switch lanes.

4. The Ripple Effect of Mindful Breaks

This isn't just about one study or one set of meetings. It's about creating a work culture that respects the brain's need to reset.

The science behind taking breaks goes beyond just reducing stress. It's about promoting a state of mental well-being that can last a lifetime. It's about recognizing that our brains need downtime, just like our bodies.

The results? 

The results were fascinating, with three main takeaways:

The Microsoft study was no mere surface-level glance at meeting fatigue; it was a scientifically rigorous investigation. Let's unpack the takeaways and see how they're backed by the cold, hard data.

1. Breaks Reduce Stress Buildup

What Your Brain Says About Virtual Meetings and Why You Need Breaks
Source: Microsoft Human Factors Lab

Beta waves are like your brain's stress-o-meter. The more they build up, the more stressed you feel.

The Findings: In back-to-back meetings, beta waves increased over time, showing a cumulative buildup of stress. When participants meditated during breaks, beta activity decreased.

The Science Says: Beta waves are linked to anxiety and tension. They build up when we're engaged in tasks that demand concentration and focus. The study's evidence of breaks reducing this beta wave buildup means a real, tangible drop in stress.

2. Breaks Enhance Focus and Engagement

Frontal alpha asymmetry is a fancy term that tells us about engagement. Positive levels mean higher engagement; negative levels mean the opposite.

What Your Brain Says About Virtual Meetings and Why You Need Breaks
Microsoft Human Factors Lab

The Findings: With meditation breaks, the alpha wave levels were positive, showing better engagement. Without breaks, the levels were negative, indicating less engagement.

The Science Says: Alpha waves are associated with relaxed alertness. Meditation, even short breaks, has been shown to increase alpha waves, enhancing focus and creativity. This study provided real-world evidence of this effect in a business setting.

3. Transitions Between Meetings Spike Stress

Remember those beta waves? They also spike during transitions between calls. They're like the stress ripples in your brain, rising with each change.

The Findings: Researchers noticed that beta wave activity jumped sharply when transitioning between calls without breaks. With meditation breaks, the increase dropped.

The Science Says: This observation points to the stress induced by constantly shifting gears. Beta wave spikes during transitions align with what's known about multitasking's stressful effects on the brain. Breaks reduce this "gear-shifting" stress, leading to a more balanced mental state.

A Simpler, Smarter Way to Work

The evidence is in, and the verdict is clear: more breaks equal less stress and more productivity. It's time for a meeting revolution. With tech giants like Microsoft leading the way, the future of work looks more balanced, more focused, and more humane.

It's not just about surviving those meeting marathons anymore; it's about thriving in them. Try the change, redefine the norm, and discover a simpler, smarter way to work.

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