
The Feedback Fix: Ditch the Sandwich and Build a Culture of Trust

Learn how to give feedback that empowers your team, fosters growth, and builds trust.

August 6, 2024
Mohit Sahni
The Feedback Fix: Ditch the Sandwich and Build a Culture of Trust

The art of giving feedback, especially for those new to leadership, can feel like navigating a minefield. It's natural to feel anxious about how your words might be received, and the impact they could have on your working relationships. But in today's fast-paced, ever-evolving work environment, feedback is not just important, it's essential.

In a world where change is the only constant, leaders need a clear picture of what's working and what isn't. They need the unfiltered perspectives of their team members to make informed decisions and adapt their strategies effectively.

For employees, constructive feedback is a lifeline. It's a chance to understand their strengths and areas for improvement, to feel valued and heard, and to grow both personally and professionally.

But here's the catch: feedback, like any powerful tool, can be used constructively or destructively. When delivered thoughtfully, it can inspire, motivate, and bridge the gap between potential and performance. But when handled carelessly, it can create resentment, defensiveness, and a breakdown in trust.

Reframing Feedback

Let's move beyond the traditional view of feedback as a performance evaluation. Instead, let's see it as a catalyst for growth, a two-way street where both leaders and employees can learn and develop.

For new leaders, mastering the art of feedback is about more than just pointing out mistakes. It's about creating a culture of open communication, where everyone feels safe to share their thoughts and ideas. It's about recognizing achievements, fostering professional development, and building trust with your team.

Five Strategies for Thoughtful Feedback

So, how can you provide feedback that's not just constructive, but also empowering and motivating? Here are five strategies to consider:

1. A Skill, Not a Talent

Effective feedback isn't something you're born with; it's a skill honed through practice and dedication. Research shows that training in feedback techniques can significantly improve leaders' ability to deliver constructive criticism and foster positive outcomes. So, invest in your development by reading articles, watching videos, or even attending formal training sessions. Observe experienced leaders and learn from their techniques.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Start by giving feedback in low-stakes situations to build your confidence and refine your approach. Reflect on your experiences and identify areas for improvement. Over time, you'll develop a natural and impactful feedback style.

2. Intentions Matter

Your intentions play a crucial role in how your feedback is received. If your motive is to criticize or belittle, it will likely trigger defensiveness and resentment. However, if your intention is to genuinely help the recipient improve, your message will be more likely to resonate and inspire action.

Research in psychology supports this. Studies have shown that when people perceive feedback as being motivated by a desire to help them learn and grow, they're more likely to accept it and act on it.

So, before giving feedback, take a moment to check your intentions. Ask yourself: "Am I trying to help this person improve, or am I simply venting my frustration?" If your motives aren't pure, it's best to postpone the conversation until you're in a more constructive mindset.

3. Choose the Right Moment

Delivering feedback at the wrong time or in the wrong setting can significantly diminish its effectiveness. Imagine receiving critical feedback in front of your colleagues or during a high-stress situation. It's unlikely to be well-received.

Neuroscience tells us that our brains are more receptive to feedback when we're in a calm and relaxed state. So, choose a time when both you and the recipient are free from distractions and stress.

Additionally, provide feedback while the context is still fresh in everyone's mind. This ensures clarity and avoids misunderstandings.


  • Don't: "Hey, remember that presentation you gave last month? I think you could have done a better job with the visuals."
  • Do: "I wanted to chat about the presentation you gave yesterday. I think the content was great, but the visuals could have been more impactful. Let's brainstorm some ideas for next time."

4. Focus on Behavior, Not Identity

Feedback that focuses on personal traits or abilities can trigger defensiveness and hinder growth. Instead, focus on specific behaviors or actions that can be improved. This approach encourages a growth mindset and empowers the recipient to take action.

Research in psychology has shown that feedback is most effective when it's specific, actionable, and focused on behavior rather than personality.


  • Don't: "You're not a very good communicator."
  • Do: "During the meeting yesterday, I noticed you interrupted your colleagues a few times. It might be helpful to practice active listening and allowing others to finish their thoughts before sharing your own."

5. Create a Two-Way Street

Feedback shouldn't be a one-way street. Encourage your team members to share their thoughts and perspectives with you. This not only helps you improve as a leader but also fosters a culture of open communication and trust.

When seeking feedback, acknowledge the courage it takes for someone to share their honest opinions. Be receptive, listen actively, and express gratitude for their insights.

Remember, feedback is a gift that offers an opportunity for growth and development. By embracing it with humility and openness, you can create a workplace where everyone feels valued, heard, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Tips for New Leaders

While the five strategies we've discussed provide a solid foundation for giving and receiving feedback, let's go a step further. Here are some unconventional tips to help new leaders truly master the art of feedback and create a thriving feedback culture within their teams.

1. The "Feedback Sandwich" is Stale

The traditional "feedback sandwich" approach, where you sandwich negative feedback between two layers of positive feedback, is often seen as insincere and manipulative. It can also dilute the impact of your message and leave the recipient confused about the key takeaway.

Instead, embrace directness and honesty. Be clear about the areas for improvement while maintaining a respectful and supportive tone. Research shows that people appreciate direct feedback, as long as it's delivered with empathy and a genuine desire to help them grow.


  • Don't: "You're doing a great job overall, but I think you could improve your time management skills. Otherwise, keep up the good work!"
  • Do: "I've noticed that you've missed a few deadlines recently. I understand that things can get hectic, but it's important to prioritize your tasks and manage your time effectively. Let's work together to create a plan that helps you stay on track."

2. Ask, Don't Tell

Instead of simply telling someone what they did wrong, ask questions that encourage them to reflect on their own performance. This approach empowers them to take ownership of their development and discover their own solutions.

Studies have shown that self-generated insights are often more powerful and long-lasting than those imposed from the outside. By asking open-ended questions, you stimulate critical thinking and create a collaborative environment where learning and growth can thrive.


  • Don't: "You need to be more organized."
  • Do: "How do you feel about your current organizational system? Are there any areas where you feel you could improve? What strategies have you tried in the past that have worked well for you?"

3. Celebrate Small Wins

Don't wait for annual reviews to give positive feedback. Recognizing and celebrating achievements, no matter how small, can significantly boost morale and motivation. Research in positive psychology highlights the importance of positive reinforcement in fostering a sense of accomplishment and encouraging continued effort.

Make it a habit to acknowledge your team members' contributions regularly. A simple "thank you" or a public shout-out can go a long way in creating a positive and supportive work environment.

4. Make it a Conversation

Feedback shouldn't be a monologue. Encourage dialogue and create a space where employees feel comfortable sharing their perspectives and asking questions. This fosters a sense of mutual respect and collaboration, making the feedback process more meaningful and productive.

Research shows that two-way communication enhances understanding and promotes buy-in. When employees feel heard and understood, they're more likely to accept feedback and take action.

5. Lead by Example

As a leader, be open to receiving feedback yourself. This demonstrates humility and creates a culture where feedback is seen as a valuable tool for everyone, not just a management prerogative.

Studies have shown that leaders who actively seek feedback are perceived as more effective, trustworthy, and approachable. By embracing vulnerability and showing a willingness to learn and grow, you set a powerful example for your team.

Nurturing a Feedback-Rich Culture

Giving and receiving feedback is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. By fostering a culture of open communication and continuous learning, you can create a workplace where feedback is embraced as a tool for growth and development.

Remember, effective feedback isn't just about correcting mistakes; it's about unlocking potential, building trust, and inspiring your team to achieve their best. So, take a deep breath, embrace the challenge, and start nurturing a feedback-rich culture in your workplace today.

Occupational Wellbeing

The Great 4-Day Workweek Experiment: 33 Companies Say Yes To Fridays Off

February 12, 2023
Mohit Sahni
The Great 4-Day Workweek Experiment: 33 Companies Say Yes To Fridays Off

Picture this: It's Friday afternoon, and instead of counting down the minutes until the workweek ends, you're actually looking forward to a long, relaxing weekend. No more working on Fridays - that's right, it's time to swap the 9-to-5 grind for a 4-day workweek. And the best part? You'll still get paid the same amount.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, the results of a recent six-month experiment by 33 companies organized by 4 Day Week Global say otherwise. The trial, which took place in six countries, aimed to see if employees could work just as efficiently 80% of the time. And the results showed the resounding success of the 4-day work week: companies reported increased revenue, improved employee well-being, and even a positive impact on the environment. 

So, if you're looking to convince your boss to make the switch, the evidence is here - the 4-day workweek is the real deal.

The Skeptics

The Great 4-Day Workweek Experiment:  33 Companies Say Yes To Fridays Off
Photo by Ant Rozetsky on Unsplash

At the beginning of the journey, the idea of a condensed work week at Soothing Solutions sparked a barrage of skepticism and uncertainty among the workforce. Employees pondered the practicality and profitability of such a change. 

However, as the trial progressed, the tide of doubt began to shift, and the company's founders found themselves with no worries about the impact on business growth. The benefits of a shorter workweek were palpable, and the skeptics were quickly won over.

The Push for a Four-Day Workweek

The four-day workweek is no longer just a pipe dream; it's a growing movement. With successful trials at companies like Bolt, positive results reported in Iceland, and a 2019 Henley Business School research paper, the push for shorter work weeks is gaining momentum. 

The trend is a response to the "Great Resignation," a shift in how employees view their work-life balance and a desire to reevaluate the traditional work model. Despite some pushback from skeptics, the four-day workweek is quickly proving its worth and paving the way for a new way of thinking about work.

No Downsides

The Great 4-Day Workweek Experiment:  33 Companies Say Yes To Fridays Off
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

For nearly a century, the 40-hour workweek has been the backbone of the American labor force. But like any rigid structure, it's time for a change, and companies like Rent a Recruiter are leading the charge with their participation in the four-day workweek trial. 

This shift towards more flexible work arrangements is not the first time the traditional model of work has been disrupted. In 1926, Henry Ford reduced the workweek to five days; in 1940, the Fair Labor Standards Act set the standard at 40 hours. 

And now, with the Great Resignation and a desire to rethink the traditional 9-to-5 grind, the movement towards a four-day workweek is gaining momentum, with successful trials at companies like Bolt and positive results highlighted in the 2019 Henley Business School research paper. This trend towards a shorter workweek may just be the mold-breaking change the workforce needs to balance work and life.

"The future of work is less about the number of hours worked and more about the impact made." - Sarah Robb O'Hagan 

The Results

The 4 Day Week Global trial results were nothing short of revolutionary. As the dust settled, it was evident that the four-day workweek had not only unlocked the potential for increased revenue but it had also unleashed a wave of benefits for employees and the environment.

Gone were the long, dreary workweeks that sapped the energy and morale of employees. In their place, a renewed sense of purpose and vitality as workers reveled in the newfound freedom of an extra day off. Health and well-being improved as individuals were able to focus on self-care and recharge their batteries.

The four-day workweek is no longer a pipe dream; it's a reality. With 100 more companies already considering or implementing the approach, it's time for your company to break free from the constraints of the traditional workweek and join the ranks of trailblazers like Rent a Recruiter. So, pack up your briefcase and enjoy your weekends because it's time to stop working on Fridays (or Mondays).


In conclusion, the four-day workweek is not just a whimsical notion; it's a well-tested and proven solution that has brought countless benefits to companies and employees alike. The advantages are clear for all to see, from improved well-being and increased revenue to a more sustainable future. 

So, why not make the leap and join the growing cohort of forward-thinking companies who have said goodbye to their boring, outdated workweeks and hello to a brighter, more productive tomorrow? It's time to experience the magic of a four-day workweek and embrace the gift of three glorious days off. Say yes to Fridays off! Do you have any more ideas to increase productivity while still maintaining a work-life-balance? Get in touch with us and we will help you get the word out.

Physical Wellbeing

A big workout once a week is just as good as daily exercise!

December 24, 2022
The Wellness Tribe Team
One big workout once a week is just as good as daily exercise!

As a physiotherapist, I often hear from my patients that they do not have time to exercise every day, whether during corporate wellness sessions or during individual sessions. With busy schedules and a never-ending to-do list, it can be tough to fit in a daily workout. But here's the good news: you don't have to exercise every day to be healthy! In fact, one big workout every week is just as effective as exercising daily.

Testing Your Limits

Now, I know what you're thinking. How can one intense workout per week be as effective as daily exercise? The key is pushing yourself to your physical limits during that workout. When you challenge your body with a high-intensity workout, you are giving your muscles and the cardiovascular system a much-needed workout. 

This kind of intense exercise has a greater impact on the body than moderate exercise, so even though you're only working out once a week, you're still getting a good workout.

The Connection Between Exercise and Mental Health

The Connection Between Exercise and Mental Health
Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

One big workout per week has numerous benefits. Exercise that is intense and regular can improve your mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that promote feelings of happiness and emotional well-being. You can boost your mood and reduce stress by engaging in a challenging workout once a week.

Another benefit of one big workout per week is that it can help you avoid burnout and injury. Overdoing it with daily exercise can lead to fatigue and a higher risk of injury. By allowing your body to rest and recover in between workouts, you can prevent burnout and keep your workouts safe and effective.

Now, I want to be clear that the one big workout-per-week approach isn't for everyone. If you have specific fitness goals, such as losing weight or training for a marathon, you may need to incorporate daily exercise into your routine.

A Few Precautions

One Big Workout a Week: The Surprising Health Benefits According to a Physiotherapist
Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Additionally, if you are new to exercise or have chronic health conditions, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new fitness routine.

But for the majority of people, one big workout per week is a great way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So next time you're feeling overwhelmed and don't think you have time for daily exercise, remember that one big workout per week is just as effective. And who knows, you might even find that you enjoy it more than daily exercise! 

"Exercise is a celebration of what the body can do, not a punishment for what you ate." — Kevin NG. 

So grab your sneakers and get moving – your body (and mind) will thank you.

Closing Thoughts

Overall, the key takeaway is that consistency and effort are more important than the frequency of workouts. As long as individuals are able to regularly engage in physical activity that challenges their bodies and promotes overall wellness, they can experience the numerous benefits of exercise regardless of how often they do it.

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